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Xan's Workshop ⸬ The Conservatory * Not to be confused with Xanax® a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.

Your journey began the moment you stepped foot within this universe...

The Conservatory is a narrative-backed, voxel-based universal sandbox game. It is meant to fill a gap that I believe exists in my favorite genres of gaming, and has the secondary purpose of serving as a challenge to my skills acquired over the past 15 years of time spent as an indie developer. This is my "final boss", metaphorically speaking.

The Conservatory is not only an attempt to grow upon genres I like, but it's also a game for me personally. There's a game I have always wanted to play, but which does not exist. The exact feeling I aim to capture is a level of immersion that feels open. That is, I don't believe a one man army is good enough to beat the best of the best when it comes to making immersive games. I do believe that I have the ability to create a system which facilitates this type of interaction with the players, however, and I hope to achieve exactly that.

You see, I want a world that acknowledges who the player is. But vitally, I don't want it to be all serious and bureaucratic. We need to have fun. If I'm going to have a space station, I want niche and borderline comical accommodations for random races. I want multilingual boards in alien languages and codeblocks for synthetics.

I want to see the world morphed to fit the people that visit it most regularly.

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