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Xan's Workshop
⸬ Welcome to Xan's Workshop
* Not to be confused with Xanax® a registered trademark of Pfizer Inc.
My name is Xan ("Zan", it rhymes with "Sam").
I'm an indie developer, the one-man-army type. That is...
I write code. I draw things.
I make 3D models. I compose music.
I write stories and narratives.
I create entire universes.
And right now, I am doing exactly that.
⸬ The Conservatory ⸬
The Conservatory is my current indie game in development. It takes inspiration from titles
like Minecraft, No Man's Sky, Empyrion: Galactic Survival, and Starbound.
This is my current major project. Learn more about it at Xan's Workshop: The Conservatory.